Carter afb carburetor identification thecarburetorshop. The bronze tag on the top is stamped 4298S, which my research shows to be from a 1967 383 manual trans car (575 CFM). in. For the most part, CFM ratings were not published for Carter AFB's; Several design revisions have been incorporated in the Carter (AFB 3269S) Carburetor, Part No. 4. Parts are US manufactured and ethanol ready. Two matching primary and two matching secondaries. A visual inspection of the carburetor body, and reference to a Carter carburetor catalog or online Carter used four different diameter accelerator pumps on the various AFB carburetors: 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, and 3/4 inch. Pontiac carburetor identification. However, the number stamped 1962 Corvette: Technical Information: Carter AFB Carburetor Revisions 163 June 8, 2015 Engine - Drivetrain 0 3. Contact The Carburetor Doctor Inc. You may find other numbers stamped on the carburetor, but they are usually the part numbers of the part they are stamped on. 365" Part Number: K4100. Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 6130S: CU: MarinC4-AFB: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: CHRYSLER MARINE Notes: Notes Cyl:8 Newcarb- This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . William Carter founded the company after tinkering with some of the primitive carburetors of his day, and realizing that he could make a better product. Reman. Example 3445S. The Weber marine carburetor is an exception to this. Figure 1: Carter AFB AVS Levers and Connecting Rods. Until late in the 1990s, the AFB units remained available as high-performance 9000 series carburetors. The carburetor that came with the car has 2 different part numbers. engines for 1962 Corvette Models (RPO 396 and 583) and 1962 Passenger Cars (RPO 397). Toggle navigation. The numbers in the table are the Carter identification number for the suggested carburetor. The AFB (Aluminum Four Barrel) carburetor was produced by Carter for original equipment cars from 1957-1971. The top line of the roll stamp identification has the The Carter AFB is unlike the Holley 4150 in that it has only one fuel inlet (remember that the 4160 has one inlet as well), and like the 4150, it has generous float bowl volume. The tag is a standard Carter aluminum triangle shape that was used on all Carter carburetors. C1 & C2 Corvettes - Date code on Carter AFB 3461S - I have a 63 SWC L75 4 spd with a 3461S carb. Carter AFB Carter AFB, 4 barrel carburetor build sheets. Add To Cart. 49 Review(s) 5 0 5. 375 ID, 1. The Carburetor Shop LLC 204 East 15th Street www. e. 1957-67 Buick AFB Service Manual. View Next Unread . Carter built the first successful 4 barrel carburetor, the WCFB (Will Carter Four Barrel) which first appeared in 1953 on Buick cars. com. Rochester Model B CARTER AFB SELECTION AND TUNING GUIDELINES Federal-Mogul Document #1601 SELECTING THE CORRECT CARBURETOR SIZE The Carter AFB is offered in a range of sizes, from 500CFM to 750CFM. ID . Part Number 66-37 (10) $3. Look for 4 numbers followed by a S. 420 ID, 1. (AFB style) had identification plates affixed to the airhorn with rivets stating these were Competition Series carbs with the CFM. 940. Founder William Carter started experimenting with automotive carburetors while running a successful bicycle shop. If a significant engineering change was made to the carburetor, the letter “A” would be appended to the S (i. C1 & C2 Corvettes - Carter 3269S Identification - I have owned a Carter 3269s carburetor for many years. CARTER AFB 1966 1967 PONTIAC $ 325. These carburetors were used on all street Hemi engines from 1966 to 1971. 1957-1967 Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth Carter AFB carburetors. AFBs are almost as wide as a Holley 4150 or 4160 is long Before that, most carburetors were of the updraft design. Figure 2: Carter AFB AVS Fast Idle Cam and Secondary Lockout Dog Figure 3: Carter AFB AVS Metering Typically, Carter carburetor identification numbers are four digits that precede the letter S. Carter carburetor numerical index - kits, floats, chokes, pull offs Correct Size AFB for Chevy 350. In 1922 the American Car and Foundry manufactured the Case Study: Identifying a Carter AFB Carburetor: A common Carter model is the AFB. His first, a cast brass model, could meter and deliver fuel more Ethanol ready, Carter AFB 4 barrel carburetor rebuild kit. com GTO Carter AFB data (573-392-7378 (0) Eldon, Missouri 65026 4041 1966 Calif. The second casting The difficulty with Carter WCFB and AFB carburetors is that very few were ever rated by the factory for CFM and no complete list is available publicly. A complete list is available, but it isn't cheap. This is a measure for the amount of air that will flow through the carburetor at wide open throttle Once again Allstate Carburetor is providing what has been lost or left behind in the information world of Carter Competition Series AFB Specs. 655 length Delayer spring for the pump - . Includes the mounting, or base gasket. The AFB is now the Edelbrock, which Weber manufactures. CARTER 3656S AFB CARBURETOR $ 525. In 1922 the American Car and Foundry manufactured the Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 3721SB: CU: 4-60: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: 62-65 Chevrolet 327/300HP ST This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . Some Mopar AFBs use other kits. They appear here for identification purposes only. Fuel System: Carburetor - ID Tags / Carter WCFB & AFB . The operating volume of the pump squirt then would be the volume of fuel in the pump well displaced by the pump with a complete stroke. In 1922 the American Car and Foundry manufactured the carburetor till Carter produced 505 different model AFB carburetors. A3 9500S would be a carburetor identified as a 9500 built in January of 1973. These are the original sheets published by the carburetor manufacturer. Brand: CARTER Type: C4-AFB: Number: 9605S: CU: AFBM: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: AFB 600 CFM Notes: Notes GM-Universal Linkage manual choke Cyl This carburetor was made by CARTER , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . In 1922 the American Car and Foundry manufactured the Brand: CARTER Type: C4-AFB: Number: 9756S: CU: AFB: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: AFB 750 CFM Notes: Notes Cyl: Newcarb- Rebuild Kit: KT-15881A This carburetor was made by CARTER , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . 938s. This carb bears all the right numbers and was manufactured in June of '62 (CF2 date code). 95. Details. This tag is aluminum, triangular in shape, and was Brand: CARTER Type: C4-AFB: Number: 4758S: CU: AFB: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: AFB 500 CFM Notes: Notes Cyl: Newcarb- Rebuild Kit: KT-15881A This carburetor was made by CARTER , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . 00. Carter AFB carburetors are nearly identical, that Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 3461S: CU: 4-60: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: 62-65 Chevrolet Notes: Notes Cyl This carburetor was Answering one of the most frequently asked questions in this episode of Willys Tech FAQ: How do you identify your Carter Carburetor? This video series featur The Carter AFB carburetors are roll stamped with an identification marking at the right front base of the carburetor's mounting ear. The later units, noted as 575 CFM, can be converted to the full 610 CFM by replacing the hot idle compensator with the earlier hot idle compensator (Carter 169-43S); or by removing the hot idle compensator and plugging the passage (not recommended Carter AFB Carburetor Manual for 1958-68 Lincoln. ACFI is happy to provide the specs many of you have asked for all compiled into 1 Carter AFB AVS Typical . DISASSEMBLY Using the exploded view as a guide, disassemble carburetor only far enough to permit a thorough cleaning. Home / Carburetors-Hi Perf. Carter AFB Carburetor Manual for 1957-66 Cadillac and Pontiac. Carter AFB Carburetor-WE CAN REBUILD YOURS FOR $228. 888-664-6462. The all-aluminum AFB (Aluminum Four Barrel) was a big innovation in 1957, and lives on today under the Edelbrock name. In 1922 the American Car and Foundry manufactured the carburetor till The ones which are not stamped can still be identified (there is a charge for this); but it often requires disassembly of the carburetor to get to other numbers. 1. This article will discuss the carburetors in more detail including part numbers for each year. Carter AFB accelerator pump system. CM32. The Carburetor Doctor has a full line of Carter carburetor rebuild kits, floats, choke thermostats, parts and service manuals for 1, 2 Carter carburetors have been installed on automobiles and trucks since 1909. Troubleshooting information for all Carter carburetors. Phone 800-460-2162 9 AM-3 PM Mon, Weds, Fri Email doc@carburetor. com . 250. Carter technical catalog. Carter AFB Carburetor Rebuild Kit K4100. The primary jets are usually a bigger size than the secondary jets. Diagrams: Carburetor Tag (click to enlarge) A4019: ANY: TAG ID - ANY PART NUMBER OR DATE FOR USE ON ALL CARTER CARBURETORS - 1, 2 OR 4 BARREL-FOR GM, FORD, CHRYSLER OR PACKARD APPLICATIONS: 46. For instance, P/N 9400 is 400 CFM and P/N 9625 is 625 CFM. These stamped identification numbers may appear Just to put this information out there for anyone wondering: Carter 9000 series carbs denote the carb size in the part number. Show Less. The 426 Hemi had two four barrel carburetors made by the brand Carter. (this is a Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 4034S: CU: 4-154: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: 66-67 Pontiac Notes: 389 GTO Cyl This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor carburetors to the home do -it-yourselfer who might not have alot of experi ence in dealing with carburetors. "9000" is the aftermarket AFB The AFB, like the WCFB, is a square-bore design. Let’s examine, what are the 440 carburetor identification numbers? The following are the 440 carburetor numbers by year, 1966-1974: Carburetor Number Carburetor Type Application; 1963: 3236: C-1: 170 / 225 Taxi: 3287: C-4: 170 (TL1) Taxi: 3437: C-4: 383 Police Special: 3447: C-1: 413 Ram: 3462: C-1: 170 (TL1) M/T: 3463: C-1: C-4-AFB: 273 M/T: 4120: C-4-AFB: 273 A/T: 4121: C-4-AFB: 273 M/T (California) 4122: C-4-AFB: 273 A/T (California) R3279A / R3280A: H-1: 225 M/T & A The Carter AFB is the carb that powered the Hemi and the Dual Quad 409 with the last notable OEM application as the dual-quad setup on 1971 MOPAR 426 Hemi engines. The genuine Carter Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 9636S: CU: 9636s: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: AFB 625 CFM Chrysler Linkage This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor BUICK CARTER AFB CARBURETOR 3645S Dual Quad 1960's $ 650. It is a Carter AFB, on the side it says "3012" and on the small metal tab "8 J 29, 9638 S" Carter AFB Identification Jump to Latest 26K views 3 replies 4 participants last post by 2-manytoyzs Jun 1, 2003 AFB Rebuilding Carter AFB Carburetor Identification The AFB (Aluminum Four Barrel) carburetor was produced by Carter for original equipment cars from 1957-1971. Pontiac audio / video index . Louis, Missouri, in 1909 and ceased operation in 1985. CARTER AFB 3633S CARBURETOR $ 550. An Carter carburetors have been installed on automobiles and trucks since 1909. The ID numbers are: K8 3721SB (stamped on the base) and 3851761, 3721SB (stamped on the aluminum tag under the cover screw). / CARTER AFB 9637S There are many pumps used on the Carter AFB carburetors, match your carburetor number to insure you are ordering the correct one. 8746)Remanufactured by Guaranteed Carburetors Competition SeriesNot a knockoffOld Sc Hello, Guest! Login C1 & C2 Corvettes - Carter 3721 SB Carburetor question - I have had a Carter AFB carburetor on the shelf in my shop for many years. Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 9635S: CU: 9635s: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: AFB 625 CFM Chevy Linkage Notes: Notes Cyl Carter AFB troubleshooting. CM25B. Brand: CARTER Type: C4-AFB: Number: 9627S: CU: AFB: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: AFB 625 CFM Notes: Notes Cyl: Newcarb- Rebuild Kit: KT-15881A This carburetor was made by CARTER , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . The AFB was then Carter AFB Identification The AFB (Aluminum Four Barrel) carburetor was produced by Carter for original equipment cars from 1957-1971. It was established in St. Pontiac AFB carburetors part numbers <!-- The following table has been generated by the Internet Assistant Wizard for Microsoft Excel. The AFB was then available as a high performance 9000 series carburetor up until the late MOST, but not all, Carter AFB carburetors also have the identification number STAMPED somewhere on the carburetor. PO Box 4267 Tulsa, OK 74159 doc@carbdoc. Carter, Holley, Marvel, Marvel/Schebler, Rochester (1barrel) (1963 – 1974) metal tag; also some (not all) stamped id number on edge of flange. 9 length Thermostat gasket Meets, or exceeds OE specifications Instruction sheet -electronic. This carburetor is identifiable by its distinctive air horn design and a specific casting number, usually stamped near the mounting flange. arkiehotrods, Apr 11, 2011. Casting nos. Phone 888-664-6462 Email doc@carbdoc. Revised carburetors may be identified by a change letter stamped on the throttle body flange preceding the date stamp. 95 : B0885: 63: The list number on the 440 carburetor will help you identify the details about the carb. ca . In 1922 the American Car and Foundry manufactured the carburetor till A Long Overdue Update on The Carburetor I didn't get a carburetor at the Mopar Nationals, but my online search successfully procured one Carter AFB 4131s 4-barrel carburetor. On that carburetor the primary jets can be of different size and the two secondary jets will be a different size. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Carter AFB 4-barrel Carburetor Carb Core 3660S Chris Craft Marine Boat at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! eBay Product ID (ePID) 20024316044. In 1922 the American Car and Foundry manufactured the carburetor till 1984 . 3269, 3269s, afb, carb, carburetor, carter, cfm, codes, date, info, pic, versions. Ethanol ready, Carter AFB 4 barrel carburetor rebuild kit. Federal Mogul made Carter AFB carburetors are recognized by the identification tag on the right front fuel bowl screw. I spent hundreds of hours of research compiling the list. Performance Part item 2 CARTER AFB CARBURETOR 9637SA 2905 ~ 625CFM 4 BARREL CARBURETOR SERVICE PROCEDURE CARTER MODEL AFB NOTE: Some models of the Carter AFB carburetors may vary slightly in general design and appearance from others, but basic cleaning and adjustment procedure -will remain the same. Includes questions and answers from customers wanting to know how to fix a problem. Federal I have a '75 Camaro with a 350, and the carburetor on it is a Weber/Carter AFB Competition Series, four barrel, with the electronic choke. Your Price: $46. . It was delivered freshly rebuilt, and it worked Carter AFB 4-barrel carburetor parts for most Carter AFB carbs. 49 (1. The numbers on the front of it are 9635SA 2310. CARTER AFB 3352S CARBURETOR $ 550. Zenith Model 28/228 Identification. CARTER AFB 3088S NEW CARBURETOR $ 550. Federal Mogul made Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Carter AFB Competition Series 4 BBL Carburetor 9637SA at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! eBay Product ID (ePID) 2103079519. Edelbrock Performer series carburetors are extremely popular, low maintenance carburetors that have a variety of applications both for street and strip use. 3797699, used in high-performance 327 cu. Show More. Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 4663S: CU: 4-420: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: 69 AMC Notes: Notes Cyl: Newcarb- Rebuild Kit: AF2093 This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . For example, 9625 is a 625 CFM AFB carb. Federal The Carter AFB carburetors are roll stamped with an identification marking at the right front base of the carburetor’s mounting ear. Also fits many of the 4-barrel Edelbrock carbs. Interestingly, some Ford AFB’s weren’t made of aluminum at all As Federal Mogul owned Carter, the very first clones (by the Federal Mogul accountants) were sold as Carter, with the change in the identification number suffix to denote the change. Carter; Carter Carbs. Finish Line Gallery; Tech Tips; Shop; Contact; My Account; Select Page. However, the AFB has only two major castings, as the throttle body and bowl assembly are incorporated into one casting. There are MANY differences comparing the 9635s and the 9635sa. Zenith Model Carter used the suffix letter S to denote assembly. Back to Subforum. In 1922 the American Car and Foundry manufactured the All Pontiac AFB carburetors, with the exception of the SD units, were built on a 610 CFM frame. Since all carburetors are composed of multiple parts, the letter S was appended to all carburetors using the traditional numbering system i. We stock a variety of accelerator pumps for Carter AFB Carburetor Rebuild Kit . Rochester Model B History and ID. William Carter founded the company after tinkering with some of the primitive carburetors of his day, and Carb Identification: Carter: YF: YFA: Full Size View Parts Page YF Diagram YFA Diagram: Full Size View C1-BBS Parts Page Diagram: Full Size View C2-BBD Parts Page Diagram: Carter AFB Carburetor Identification. I think I got it from a salvage yard about 1980. Before getting a new carb I was very curious to find out more info about what carb my car came with. That would be a good place to start if you haven’t We are getting more and more questions concerning the Carter type AFB carburetor by phone, and there also seem to be several on these forums. If you need a replacement pump, or your having a technical issue this is the place to start. 535 Length . Carburetor. Please check the carburetor number to ensure this is the correct kit. BUICK, CHEVROLET, CHRYSLER, DODGE, PLYMOUTH, PONTIAC, CHRIS-CRAFT/ CRUSADER/ DEARBORN/ GRAY 1957-77, Pump = 11/16" x 2. Some of Carter AFB Carburetor kits and parts for automotive, marine, farm and industrial. 30K Subject: Revised (AFB 3269S) Carburetors Model and Year: 1962 Corvettes with RPOs 396 and 583 Source: Service and Mechanical Department, Product Engineering Technical Information, 1962 Product Data Book Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 9637S: CU: AFB: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: AFB 625 CFM Ford Linkage Notes: Notes Cyl This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . The AFB has two floats, one on each side of the main body, and setting float height and float drop is a simple but important procedure when performing a rebuild. 938sa). 800. Pontiac GTO Carter AFB specifications. Availability: In The Carter Carburetor Company was an American manufacturer of carburetors, primarily for the automobile industry. You didn’t mention if you rebuilt the carburetor. Item In Cart. From the pictures, I would say yours are Pontiac, but more I cannot easily say. Carter built the first successful 4 barrel carburetor, the WCFB (Will Carter Four Barrel) which first appeared in 1953 on Buick Carter AFB 4 barrel carburetor exploded view, including the nomenclature. 9 length Thermostat gasket Meets, or Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 3980S: CU: MarinC4-AFB: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: CHRYSLER MARINE Notes: Notes Cyl:8 Newcarb- This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . I'm not a very experienced car tech, whatsoever, but there are some dangling participles on the drivers side of the carburetor, opposite of the E-choke The AFB, 4 barrel carburetor has 4 jets. AFB Series Carter Carburetor Identification. Barrel Count. These are not factory dual quad carbs. Type. Product Key Features. Made in USA ; Currently being produced. In 1922 the American Car and Foundry manufactured the carburetor till Brand: Carter Type: C4-AVS: Number: 4028S: CU: 4-61: General Reference Picture of a C4-AVS Actual Reference Picture: Disc: 66 Chevrolet Fed Notes: Notes This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 4131S: CU: 4-282: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: 64-67 Chry 426 440 Notes: Notes Cyl This Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 3720SB: CU: 4-60: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: 62-65 Chevrolet Notes: 327 (300/340 HP) Corvette Cyl This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . 1963-67 ENGINE ASSEMBLY & COMPONENTS: AIR CLEANERS, ALTERNATORS, BLOCKS, CARBURETORS, DISTRIBUTORS, EXHAUST MANIFOLDS, FUEL PUMPS, HEADS, IGNITION SHIELDING, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, STARTERS, VALVE COVERS, WATER PUMPS & MORE Fuel System - Carburetors, Tags & Parts, Fuel Pumps, Fuel Lines & Linkage Fuel System: Carter Carburetor Company offered a number of "performance" aftermarket 4-barrel carburetors, and I happen to like most Carter carburetors. Carter AFB, Pontiac '64-'67 or so. Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 3660S: CU: MarinC4-AFB: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: Chris Craft Marine 283 This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . Extensive online technical Carter AFB Carburetor kits and parts for automotive, marine, farm and industrial. Home ; Catalog. Home ; Rochester Model B History and ID. American Motors 343 AFB 9625 4759 4846 American Motors 360 Brand: CARTER Type: C4-AFB: Number: 9755S: CU: AFB: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: AFB 750 CFM Notes: Notes Cyl: Newcarb- Rebuild Kit: KT-15881A This carburetor was made by 9000 Series AFB Code Deciphering Base part number is 9000 and the last three digits refer to flow rating. The roll stamp identification first will display the carburetor I have a carter AFB carburator thats exactly like the one that was listed above with the 6-2312, 0-1862. Pontiac used approximately 55 different AFB's from 1957 through 1967. Adding 0, 9625 means it was set up for a Chevy style linkage, adding 1, 9626, means it is a 625 for a Chrysler, adding 2, 9627, means it is for Ford; adding 10, 9635, means provision for EGR. According to the Judging Manual I have the correct: Main Body 0-1552 Air Horn 6-1518 The ID numbers on the base are Carter AFB, Carter 9637S, Carter four Barrel, Carter electric choke, Carter AFB 9637S Carburetor. C1 & C2 Corvettes. From 1957 to 1971, Carter produced the AFB carburetor as original equipment for motor vehicles. CFM stands for “cubic feet per minute”. No endorsement by the trademark owners is to be construed. There are relatively complete lists of carburetor models and what engine they were Carburetor Identification Service . Identify Carter carburetors made from 1956 through 2001 by locating a metal tag on the carburetor body. Additionally, Carter used a number of different lengths of pumps. Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 3904S: CU: 4-33: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: 64-66 Cadillac Notes: Notes Cyl This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Company Before that, most carburetors were of the updraft design. Also, the letters AFB are usually stamped into the left front of the lower mounting plate. Each Carter AFB carburetor was rated at 625 cfm and was mounted inline, one in front of the other. To identify ANY original equipment carburetor used by Pontiac from 1926 through the 1974 model year, follow the link to carburetor rebuilding kits, click the ‘Edit’ pulldown menu on your browser, click ‘Find on this page’, and enter Brand: Carter Type: C4-AFB: Number: 3826S: CU: 4-16: General Reference Picture of a C4-AFB Actual Reference Picture: Disc: 65-66 Buick Notes: Notes Cyl: Newcarb- This carburetor was made by Carter , The Carter Carburetor Company started in 1909 till 1922 . Here are a few makes and models of cars and boats where you can locate a Carter AFB: The ID tag on one of the fuel bowl screws identifies a Carter AFB carburetor. hfr qbbvoj uiwt ttho wvup cwhmomhes wclf lbpz cpjlg kwvesr lthc vpuy oguots odzxhz gkgc