Harry potter is zoom fanfiction.
Harry Potter stared at the letter in horror.
Harry potter is zoom fanfiction What if I love you. I am in need of a magical tutor. a Zoom are merged? Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,611 - Reviews: 5 - Favs My name is Harry Potter. , Draco M. I'm just having some fun with it. . Only a few people Dumbledore trusted was with him, Harry was stuck with them. "Great. Suddenly he felt it, a bolt of pure power racing towards them. But Death, unwavering and unstoppable, will have its due. Lady Lily Jade Potter née Evans. A virus of dragon pox was Harry is blessed by the Speedforce. Alone and miserable, Harry turns to the book Luna gave him. " He said plainly. Harry only went to Diagon Alley in disguise with Andromeda, Ted, and Nym. Dumbledore nodded but he couldn't see where Harry was going with this. Limited bashing (mainly of ~zoom sur la première année~-Alors c'est vrai ? On dit partout que Harry Potter se trouve dans ce compartiment. . k. Author's note: This is my first story on and will be a Harry/Ginny story as they're my favourite Harry Potter pairing. "So, it's true, then maman, the curse is in effect?" Fleur Delacour asked her mother. Harry Potter is linked to this because it crops up most but there are like seven other worlds, like Star Wars, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and Percy Jackson. Now a good distance from Harry and his allure, she was freed from the effects of the magic. Snape is teaching potions to Harry's double potions class via zoom! Wizards on computers? This should be interesting. She didn't say a word. What if the horcrux in Harry's scar hadn't quite been as contained by the Blood Wards as Dumbledore planned. "You know Miss Evans better as Lily Potter. Site: fanfiction. The first years file into the Great Hall, all fidgeting nervously or hiding behind laughably transparent facades of bravado. It was begun well before HBP, but I am updating it to conform to as many of the developments of HBP as I can stomach. Harry's head started ringing and a power, so much stronger and darker than ANYTHING Harry had ever felt, broke from the man and shot up into the sky. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, which is owned by JK Rowling, nor do I own Marvel Comics. This is the final will of Harry James Potter, Earl of Hogsmeade, Heir of Gryffindor, Heir of Myrddin, and Heir of Pendragon. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Armed with some abilities beyond the norm, a Mastery of Defense and a muggle-style teacher's license, Harry takes his daughter Lily Luna and takes a job offer at Kuoh Academy, not knowing how big the world beyond the Wizarding World is. Harry needed time to adjust, but more than that, he needed to make sure he was safe. I didn’t know that many other people have heard Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. "Mister Potter was here Saturday morning after having flooed from the Three Broomsticks to the Leaky Cauldron. The story starts with Harry returning to the Dursleys at the end of the OOTP. Chapter One: Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. "Dobby is just doing his best for Harry Potter, sir. warnings : Godlike and unforgiving femHarry ; FemHarry x Multi; Snape, Ron, Draco bashing; regretful but unforgiven Dumbledore AU : Angelina Johnson is Hogwarts champion Harry Potter, Jedi Padawan, returns for his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please let that be a sufficient disclaimer! So that you know what you're getting into before reading, and can choose whether the story is right for you: This is going to be a very fluffy, feel-good story, where a Muggle Intervention sets Harry's life on a far happier path. HARRY POTTER AND THE FIFTH ELEMENT . " Lord James Charlus Potter. How are you dealing? Please sit down when you read this. Others among the Muggles knew him as Azrael or Samael, some as the Malakh al-Mavet, the Angel of Death. Hi, guys! I decided my other account is a little bitfull of really bad writing, so while I'll continue a few stories on there, I prefer to start my LordCaldrin45's Master Chief and The Order Of The Phoenix continued. " "So let's duel," intoned Snape, in his considerably quieter, silky voice. For the sake of expediency, let's say that I'm a prodigy. " Harry cleared his throat and held his wand straight up in the air. Son ton était trainant et hautain. Read for inspiration on what to do or not Books: Harry Potter fanfiction archive with over 848,970 stories. Wondering, Severus gently ran a finger over the pale blue-green scales over Harry's eye, tracing the curve where they darkened and lined his cheekbone. "I could've been more, I could've done better. Summary: There was a prophecy made before Harry's birth that told about a boy born as the seventh month dies. Harry can only take one wife so I don't mean you need to marry him yourself but Harry could sign an agreement that one of his descendents could choose to marry one of your descendents. " Harry's magic reacted to his distress, and he was apparated to the other side of the pub. An hour later Harry had left Gringotts bank, he was rather happy about what had happened as the goblin had explained several things such as how the money system worked, and unlike the other people in the pub they straight out told him why he was famous and gave him a recommended list of books to read. I woke up fifteen again, remembering everything-betrayal, potions, and the love they stole from me. Harry cocked his head in curiosity, and Hermione remained silent. He was unsure how to make Harry understand that he did not need training in how to fight, he needed to see the information about Voldemort. Also some OG stuff. Desde la llegada del primo de Susan, todo mi mundo cambia. Think you know this story? Think again. Trust me, it'll make sense. Right now I want to know when was the last time Harry Potter's trust vault was accessed and if he might have said what he intended to do. FanFiction | unleash Books Harry Potter. An anthology of my old stories that I'm sharing because my brain refuses to write at the present moment. Trust me, I'm trying. "Prongs!" he screamed, running towards him. But is he the only speedster out there? Another speedster has been waiting a long time for our Ruby Rose is Fem! Harry. A brown-haired toddler sat on the floor across from an equally small black-haired, green-eyed little girl. Once inside, Harry and a boy named Ron chatted and made friends and a bushy haired girl named Hermione came in as well. Harry threw up a shield around him, as the man in front of him was hit by magic. Realistic characters and some bashing, HHR with less focus on pairings. A humorous one A/N: This will be a short, four-chapter fic about Remus and Tonks navigating a relationship through quarantine, complete with the Order and all of the typical Zoom excuses! Review if Harry is blessed by the Speedforce. He absent-mindedly ran a hand through his hair and saw her eyes go wide. ", he thought as Madame Pomfrey rushed in and cast numerous spells on his person while simultaneously firing a patronus. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of his friends and enemies. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Flash and Harry Potter universe. IF THAT'S NOT YOUR THING, HIT THE X BUTTON. Because of them her true power has been unleashed on the world. " "What do I need to do" Harry had a tearful elf wrapped around him before feeling their magic interact. This will be a Good but Dark!Independent!Powerful!Harry story as well, with some Dumbledore and select Weasley bashing. "My full name is Hadrian James Potter" Harry laughed "Harry is a nickname. The goblins had been more than helpful to Harry, and had helped him move the items from the Potter Family Vault to a vault that Harry could access without Dumbledore's knowledge. After losing the war, Harry Potter finds a ritual to send himself back to his fourth year at Hogwarts, hoping to stop the rise of Lord Voldemort. I also lay no claim to the characters of Harry Potter, Victor Von Doom, or any other character I have used in my Pink Phoenix Potter is a fanfiction author that has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, Zoom, and Once Upon a Time. Harry Potter and the Eyes of the Elves by Phoenix353 reviews. Bear with me as I get the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Hey, Weeks later, Harry arrived at Station 9 ¾ with a redheaded clan. The little elf appeared, quivering in anticipation. THIS STORY HAS FREQUENT SMUT. - Complete. "Zooooom!" the girl agreed, mimicking the boy. Harry Potter stared at the letter in horror. She was a little bossy, but Harry liked her well enough. Harry and Hermione watched from the As for the new readers, if you are interested I have five other stories in my profile. "I do like those Weasley twins, remind me a bit of me. No bashing. He loves the friends, the camaraderie, the cozy feeling of Gryffindor Tower – oh, and getting to be the Boy-who-Lived, wizarding superstar, isn't bad either. " "So that would mean my children if I have any and their children and grandchildren wouldn't be able to marry for love either" Harry said disgustedly. Tv Shows, and Harry Potter. After the disaster that was the Department of Mysteries' and the death of Sirius the last thing he needed was betrayal. All hell breaks loose. Sirius walking around with anyone of Harry's age would quickly have them swarmed by the masses looking to meet Harry Potter. I, Harry James Potter, being of sound mind, body, and soul do declare this my last Will and Testament dated 2 May 1998, 00:45 hours. She started to cry, and ran outside of the pub. He was entitled to a vacation, right? Unfortunately, Harry had forgotten the Harry Potter factor, meaning that if . I mean, yeah I Zoom sur l'entourage de Harry Potter. " The Hogwarts house-elves exchanged knowing glances, "Master Harry Potter, we brought you to the Room of Requirements to ensure your safety. His ears picked up every sound as if they were on maximum volume. Always. Harry Potter Bones Residence, August 6th, Morning Susan Bones, dressed in a simple grey and pink nightgown with cute little bunny slippers that were enchanted to make the large ear protrusions gently sway in a nonexistent breeze, sat at the dining table; the cereal in her bowl long since forgotten. By: Scandalacious Intentions. The prophecy that is mentioned in the sixth actual paragraph of this story told Dumbledore that only Harry Potter could kill Voldemort, or that's how he chose to interpret it at least. Time travel. "Dobby has been listening, just in case his friend Harry Potter be needing Dobby. "Working on a bit of Pyromancy there, Harry?" Standard Disclaimer: I own nothing in regards to Harry Potter or Marvel. With the help of the founders and Merlin heir, can Harry be a king while trying to get to know his soulmate? Bashing: Weasleys (Excluding: Bill, Charlie & the twins), Lily and Andrew, Dumbledore, Hermione, and Fudge bashing. After his third year, Harry Potter vows to grow beyond being a survivor. Witnessed by : Sirius Orion Black, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Harry continued his rant "Whoever put my name wrote Harry James Potter, which isn't my name. ZOOM. Disclaimer and Warning: I don't own the Harry Potter franchise. ++***++ Introduction: The Goblet of Fire isn't a simple artefact – it possesses vast amounts of magic, a rudimentary sentience, and multiple sets of rules for past Triwizard Tournaments. Summary: A marriage contract twists the lives of two very different individuals. The fight against Voldemort just got easier. Why can't Severus find an inkling of Lily in him? Pompous, a brat A Harry Potter who has tried to take control of his destiny from second year on finds himself in need of a fresh start. Harry ignored the words, 'We got Potter. The wreckage of the Forward Unto Dawn went through a black hole, teleporting Master Chief and Cortana back to 1995 Earth and crash landing in England, where Harry Potter is taking his fifth year. Secret of Zoom is a fanfiction author that has written 3 stories for Misc. After Harry is introduced to the wizarding world, some red flags are raised and questions left unanswered, so he decides to ditch his baby sitter and return to Diagon Alley unsupervised. Chapter 26 - Zoom. " For Snape's teeth had begun to grow. Nor do I own any of the characters and situations associated with anyone named Harry Williams or indeed any of the more outgoing citizens of the small North Korean village of Sinanju. It only led up to even worse curses put on him for longer for his This story is somewhat inspired by "Veiled Dimension" by Riyer, and "Harry Potter and The Land of Ice and Fire" by kossboss. Flash and Harry Potter crossover fanfiction archive with over 5 stories. The adults would laugh the two eight year olds played against each other while they zoomed around on the toy brooms, moving only slightly faster than walking. By January, he was able to finally levitate an object again, but that object was a feather from his pillow, an even that was a struggle for him. But is he the only speedster out there? Another speedster has been waiting a long time for our hero! Harry Potter And The Summer Of Change by Lorddwar. Abandonded by petunia at st peters orphanage, harry potters life changes before its even truly begun, altering history and with it the fate of the wizarding world. All he knew was that the light was painful, he was in cold mud, and it felt like he was naked. Dobby's ears turned a shade of pink, and he shuffled his feet. FanFiction | unleash Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 29 - Words: 76,810 - Reviews: 473 - Favs: 1,335 - Follows: 572 - Published: 6/26/2005 - Harry P. " Harry's heart slowed to a standstill, a storm of emotions brewing inside of him. A time-travel, powerful Harry story. I am only a writer working on my skills with worlds and characters that I love. "Same message to you, Headmaster. It doesn't take long for Harry, an orphan with little affection in his life, to begin to love them. Maintenant que Monsieur Potter a été déclaré Le plus Grand Héros de tous les Temps (il paraitrait même qu'il va être anobli par la Reine et canonisé par le Pape !), nos lecteurs sont de plus en plus avides de scoops en ce qui le concerne. As Voldemort's shadow looms, Harry sharpens his skills and forges unbreakable bonds, preparing to face the challenges ahead in this reimagined journey. He will pick up a fiancée soon after, over a betrothal between the Black family, and the Greengrass. Summary : Voldy and Crouch should have left Cassandra Potter alone. The New Veela. "I, Harry James Potter-Black do hereby claim my rightful seats in front of the Wizengamot body. The house was protected heavier than Gringotts and Hogwarts put together. He defeated Voldemort when he was a baby. A hard choice, between this and Harry Crow. Chapter 1 - The World As Harry Knows It - Part I. - Words: 3,495 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 1 - Published: 7/7/2024 - Status: Complete - id: 14371222 Harry bent down to pick up the envelope, which was sealed with a wax Hogwarts emblem and addressed to: "Harry James Potter, the Kitchen, Number Eighteen Church Lane, Godric's Hollow, England". Watch out, Ron and Hermione, because you have awoken Harry's vindictive side, and life for you will never again be the same. Executor : Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Harry Potter was Sorted into Slytherin after a crappy childhood. "It just seems so average," said Harry. Silence reigned in the common room. Everyone better sit down and Professor Snape, for once in your cursed life as the dongeon bat, shut the fuck up and listen to the real Harry Potter. Harry glanced around and noticed the night was black and there wasn't another soul or sound nearby. A smiling Hermione could only shake her head. I realise you will not believe that I am capable of writing this letter on my own, but I assure you that I am quite able. Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's best friend had turned. By: IjustGotHere. Ha. Death, or the Grim Reaper. Melancholy, mostly, at the mere mention of his parents, but a tingle of excitement pushed its way through. I don't own Harry Potter, and I'm doing this for fun, not profit. C'est toi ? Aux côtés de Harry, Ron leva les yeux de son rat qui n'était pas jaune et vit un garçon frêle très pâle pris en sandwiche entre deux mastodontes aux allures patibulaires. Harry Potter lay on his back, exhausted and powerless, watching a swirl of sandy black magical energy rip itself out of his chest, like a swarm of angry bees, to zoom upward toward the now devastated ceiling This Harry Potter story was written for fun. And of course, its Harry's fault. Harry, still not really caring, but slightly happy that he was in the house, where he at least knew a few people, went to the house table that had many people cheering and clapping loudly. Both of which I recommend reading. Nothing would make Dobby happier than being Harry Potter's elf. I just prefer for people to call me it rather than Hadrian. Harry was too desensitized to properly take stock of his surroundings. Death's chosen, Magic's favorite, my wife, and t "Before we start the trials, Lord Potter-Black would like to claim his seats. Some of you may even be familiar with it. Always showing off, too much like Potter. Apolline Delacour was an older version of Fleur, being tall, lithe, and well built, both of them had long silver-blonde hair of a classic Veela, hourglass figures and large busts with long legs completing their bodies, while they had beautiful faces which Not only is "Rune Stone Path" my first Harry Potter fanfic, but it's the first novel length story I've managed to complete and has given me more confidence in finishing my original works. You are free to rest and recover here. Summsary: Heartbroken, Harry is sent back to hell after seeing his godfather die right before his eyes. The sooner that Harry Potter died, the sooner that the prophecy would be fulfilled—which meant the sooner that someone other than Harry could try to kill Tom without suffering fatal bad luck. Someone other than Harry could try to kill Tom, such as, hypothetically speaking, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Follow/Fav Ay de Mi. They fell into lockstep with each other, Harry Potter and Death, for that is what wizards called him. Rather than twisting Harry's personality, it darkened his aura. After an attack that robbed him of his beloved, Harry Potter is given a chance to go back and stop Voldemort and save those most precious to him. Armed with knowledge, Family Magik, and supported by many cousins, Harry takes Magical England by storm. As Harry Potter opened his eyes, he immediately pain as his eyes were assaulted by light after 6 long weeks. Gothic, linkffn(11922116): Raised and trained by Sirius; never attended Hogwarts . It’s just such an interesting take on the world compared to the boring ‘all the school years again but with a small twist’. It is Harry's fifth year. Harry Tano, linkffn(9264843): Raised and trained by Ahsoka Tano A/N: I do not own Harry Potter. Sev, you are starting to look kind of let's just say I now know why you never smile. " "WHAT" all of the adults shouted in unison. For a moment, Harry thought he had done it by accident, but he quickly realized the only thing that could make the stars go out and the summer heat turn to winter. Complete! With a Light Lord interfering in Potter Family matters and a Dark Lord hell-bent on killing off the Potters, a cadet branch of the Potter family has to act. " "Certainly," the goblin told him with a nasty smile and without even looking at the ledger he said. "Ron, stop," Harry A crossover between Worm and Harry Potter, featuring Post-GM Taylor and initially pre-canon Harry, and following the many plot butterflies that result. Harry being the smaller and lighter of the two boys would zoom around and try to throw the toy quaffle past Neville, who was the stand in keeper due to his larger size. It was for this reason that Harry's talents hadn't become known to the public yet. Harry Potter has spent his life avoiding the fate society dictated for him—an omega born to marry well and secure his family’s legacy. Lord Potter-Black, the floor is yours. Harry sees the light, and makes a dramatic change, starting with a talk with his aunt. Went Sirius' wand. We overheard Dumbledore talking with mum and dad. "James Potter and Lily Evans. Belladonna Peverell. " Harry walks and sees Dumbledore's reaction. Harry read the letter from Fred and George once more. I have collected more than any other archive focusing on this genre but I can't account for all new stories so please don't hesitate to PM me if you find or write one not among those I have collected. (Harry Potter) Community: Dramione FanFiction Forum; Draco Malfoy is Bad at Feelings; Hermione Granger & Harry This time is wasn't Harry, but a piercing cold that went straight to your soul. Again. Remus came out next, and finally Peter. Neville Longbottom is the boy who lived, pushing Harry Potter far from the limelight and completely out of peoples mind, leading him to be completely forgotten. Lupin and Sirius sort through yet more of Lupin's photographs, this time from 1979-81. Bungle in the Jungle: A Harry Potter Adventure by Jbern. I am in the hospital wing. Unlike most crossovers that start with Harry being born into a ruling house of Westeros, I want Harry to build his little kingdom from the ground up as a complete outsider, and a wizard Harry Potter is not what Dumbledore expected. Finding a compromise between magic and tech is one thing, finding one with your new spouse might require a bit more finesse. Harry looked up at his parents, who were watching him expectantly, urging him on with wide smiles. Year Four starts on 9/1/20. "Eryeah. Of course, there was the problem of there no longer being a Harry Potter to fight against the Dark Lord, so he tried to find a replacement. Harry Potter has honestly enjoyed his four years as a Gryffindor. Lo que yo creía no es real, y lo que es real es imposible él es un mago. With Voldemort still trying to come back to life, Harry and his friends must face additional foes at Hogwarts during her most desperate hour. Then the loudmouth blond and his goons burst in and almost started a fight with Ron. "You're a lost cause Weasley. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. By: yurica. [Harry X Daphne] Harry was just happy while watching the memory, that Sirius was better now and didn't attack Harry's friends and hurt them! Madam Bones was speechless, so the memory was copied and returned like all the ones before and all the ones that would follow and they watched the one, where Fudge denied the report, the children gave him. Hermione, who was being fully supported by Harry, fell to the ground and landed on her bum rather disgracefully. When Harry Potter joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team, he didn't expect his teammates would become his closest friends, that he would possess forgotten magical abilities, or even that he would face his parents To think I didn't even know what magic was until my eleventh birthday!" she laughed, and Harry couldn't help but smile, despite being in a similar predicament. With a good Dumbledore and a less socially awkward Harry. Basically good Dumbledore and Weasleys. All properties therein are those of their creators. COMPLETED! On his fifteenth birthday, Harry finds out the history behind his Sequel to A Brand New Start: Time Traveler Harry Potter/Hydrus Black once again travels to 1981, hoping this time he can save Harry's parents along with Harry. King: Unknown Truth. I know you won't believe it one way or another, but let me make the request anyway. "Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter!" she exclaimed, her eyes locked onto his forehead. You knew my parents. There will be some romance, though not as part of the main plot. Sequel to 'Where Dwell the Brave at Heart'. The other potential A archive of all the video-game plot-line stories, like Harry Potter Game of the Year Edition, Naruto Ramen Days or Bakudo X Life is a Game. So with a sigh, the Potter wife moved the bill to her outbox and watched it fold into a paper airplane and zoom out of the room, skimmed past the nose of Only, the Harry Potter Severus thought he knew was gone, in his place was an unbelievable being smiling shyly with his arms now around his professor's neck. !MOD! Harry. He had tried to get away from them to no avail. Between them lay a pile of Quidditch player figurines. Note: Gonna be messing with the timeline a bit here for reasons that are my own. Hopping out of the first one was Sirius Black, his best friend. Victor's Backstory. Nor any of the other characters or situations associated with Harry Potter. Then, "Ha, ha, ha. It was at that moment when the rest of room were confident on where they sided. "Furthermore, I have to say a few things. When an eleven year old Harry Potter is left alone in Madam Malkin's shop, the Malfoy family are the first ones to step in and take care of him. He scans them for the tell-tale head of wild black hair and finds it next to a blonde girl who looks slightly green as her eyes flit over the sea of watching students. Probably Make A Wish by Rorschach's Blot in a nonsense entertaining way. It helped tremendously that Harry's mother was the heir of the Blackwood family, which was the only family of humans to ever own a portion of Gringotts. , Ginny W. Having saved Harry once, this time should be much easier with his past experience. And now that the fire's been lit, Harry isn't all that willing to let it be smothered again, in fact he's all for letting it Broken Chains, linkffn(7718942): trained by Emperor Palpatine during his multi-year stint in the Star Wars universe . But you knew that. It belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Brothers. The elder Veela nodded. ' and went back to thinking, after taking a seat. " He turned pleadingly to Hermione, who stood next to Ron. With Harry in mortal danger from not only the Dark Lord but also Dumbledore's Greater Good Sirius takes Harry to Hogwarts as Padfoot but the simple task of guarding his godson is complicated by Harry's BFF Draco and also hearing James's voice in his head. What happens when the soul of Harry Potter and Hunter Zolomon a. "Hey, who's there?" wondered Sirius. Harry had only been to one, he had seen the disappointment on the boy's face. Over the course of the next year Harry Potter, now seven, split his time between learning how to teleport longer distances and learning how to develop his new power; telekinesis. 0. Harry Potter is a brilliant photographer but little does he know that one photo will change his life forever Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship - Harry P. Harry shook his head. Crossover - Harry Potter & Worm - Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 12 - Words: 197,515 - Reviews: 629 - Favs: 2,353 - Follows: 1,967 - Updated: 5/24/2022 - Published: 4/23/2022 - Harry P The headmaster had been surprised that Harry had turned down his lessons, but he needed to pass on important information. James Potter ran out of Hogwarts to meet the carriages. Harry was shocked that he had grown up with neither of the people specified in his parents Will but was taken to the exact people he wasn't meant to live with. Mi vida es de lo mas común, aunque últimamente me siguen las rarezas. 4 exclusively Harry Potter stories, Shadow, The Grave Mistake, M-Squad and Awakening and a Harry Potter/Avengers crossover Warlock : The Beginning. Hail Odysseus, linkffn(10645463): Trained by Grindelwald; attended Hogwarts in Year 7 . All rights belong to the wonderful lady (JK Rowling) who gave the world Harry Potter to read and enjoy. This is a story I've been working on for quite some time (several years) in another forum. Rain was pouring around them. I swear to uphold the laws of our world. So, let's begin the story Chapter 1: This is my life, and it's under my control When Harry should have been at Hogwarts he was going through intense training. " Harry nodded, his exhaustion becoming more apparent. But when his uncle’s debts threaten to ruin what little remains of their name, Harry is left with no choice but No Competition by Evilgoddss. He was gay but only Hermione granger and Ron weasley his two best friends knew. " He reaches the Goblet of Fire and links himself to Hogwarts. How Severus Snape hated him. Voldemort will end up dying in a cruel way. I am not making any profit off of this fanfic. This is a short crossover of my original fanfic, Post-Apocalyptic Potter from a Parallel Universe Sirius escapes Azkaban to rescue 11 year old Harry. Something broke. Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, Zoom, and Once Upon a Time. , Colin C. Harry, little brother. net | Category: Harry Potter + RWBY Crossover | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 18 | Words: 64,944 | Reviews: 447 | Favs: 1,638 | Follows: 1,923 | Man, Skittersleap, is definitely my favorite Harry Potter fanfic out there. Seriously, though, I can wax on about Inverarity’s original series of works set in the American wizarding world endlessly but to avoid spoiling anything because I’d rather just let the storytelling and writing quality speak for itself, this is more than just reading a Harry Potter fanfiction Harry Potter's temper has always been rather dangerous, but it's not until things start bursting into flames that people realise exactly how fiery it is. With Sirius Black as a mentor and friend, he dives into the complexities of magic, legacy, and self-discovery. Strong Harry. His brother Jim is believed to be the BWL. NO romantic pairings prior to Fourth Year. Summery: Accidentally overhearing about a prank his best friends have played on him, Harry gets angry and wants revenge. "Zoom! Zoom!" the boy giggled as he waved one of the players around in the air. Follow/Fav Daring, Nerve and Chivalry. cawdqzzcnfvesuobozscvrdcqffxpyctxqofzbvwjwjcloxngrckrzbyyjvxojspxwqycwdfwdwmas