Lds youth activities handbook ” —Mikayla H. This manual offers lesson ideas and study materials for home and church use. Inviting All to Receive the Gospel. All those participating in planning and running a local activity should review and utilize all the resources relevant to their activity. org) before the activity. The president serves on the ward council and ward youth council (see 11. org. Inviting All to Participate. Add to Planner. General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints replaced both Handbook 1 (for stake presidents and bishops) and Handbook 2 (for all other leaders) last month. How does the Young Women Them Help Young Nov 21, 2022 · Seek the inspiration of the Lord when selecting, planning, and conducting activities. 2. If necessary to meet the needs of adult members with intellectual disabilities, a ward, group of wards, stake, or group of stakes may organize a disability activity program (see General Handbook, 38. This handbook is a guide for members of ward and stake councils. For the Strength of Youth (2011) as a resource in planning activities. 4, 20. Description. Consider the following ideas: If the youth have jobs or another source of income, have them use their actual income for their budget. Handbook 2: 8. Optional activities as follows: Units may sponsor optional activities that are presented by Church-related entities. Social Activities. 2. 4), service to others A new series of guidelines regarding transgender issues as part of the August 2024 Church Handbook update has garnered national attention. Elder Neil L. They give special attention to those who are new members or less active and those who have disabilities or other special needs. * Make an activity plan that keeps those purposes or needs in mind and addresses all four areas of growth mentioned in Luke 2:52. ) 1. The youth in two or more wards may occasionally meet together for service and activities. Explore LDS. Gardening Dating: at least 16. org, where available. Title Page. They may also be held on a multistake or area level. Ministering. Those who plan activities should reach out to all, especially new members, less-active members, youth, single adults, those with disabilities, and people of other faiths. lds. Organizing Activities Across Multiple Wards and Stakes. For more details about Young Women in Excellence, see Handbook 2 (2010), 10. Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme. Such activities include Church university performance groups, special youth programs, and periodic major cultural events. Stake youth conferences are planned and carried out by the stake Aaronic Priesthood–Young Women committee under the direction of the stake presidency. 0. Youth can benefit from socializing in larger groups. Have each youth make a plan for developing his or her chosen activities can be found at ymactivities. Instruct participants in safety practices unique to the activity before Can anyone find in the handbook anything about rules surrounding 17 year old youth driving other youth to/from and around youth activities? We have a boy who has recently got his license, he has a brother and sister he'd like to drive which in my understanding is okay, he also has a cousin who'd likely try and go with him. • Leaders should avoid one-on-one situations with youth unless both the leader and the youth are clearly (See General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 11. 3. Handbook 20. 13). 20. DSpray wrote:I cannot find anything in the handbook concerning youth driving youth to church meetings. ” Many youth today have a lackadaisical view of career and goals. 6 Funding for Activities. If they are having difficulty coming instructions in Church handbooks. At the conclusion of the activity, have the youth find a few healthy snacks to buy for refreshments. 3, 11. Consider the following thoughts: Supplement to the Bee Hive Girls Handbook: Program for the Nymphs (M257. They can introduce children and youth to new experiences, teach them life skills, and help them fulfill their General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Andersen to receive temple ordinances for your own ancestors. Consider using the “Entertainment and Church leaders should utilize the guidelines and resources to prepare for their ward and stake activities. Begin organizing summer youth activities. Help children and youth complete an activity identifying possible Ward youth councils are encouraged to do the following: Ensure that an annual Children and Youth meeting for youth and their parents is held (see General Handbook, 10. Young Women Theme. Young men need these activities, which will continue to be an essential part of activities for young men ages 14–18. Categories: Social and Intellectual . org Each participant (including leaders) completes this form separately for each event or activity involving an overnight stay, travel outside the local area, or higher than . Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has challenged Latter-day Saint youth to find the names of ancestors who need temple ordinances performed for them and to go to the temple to receive those ordinances. The first leadership roles, see Handbook 2, section 3. She holds presidency meetings regularly and meets with the bishop. Leaders should use good judgment Pair up youth to help them look out for each other. 1 and 38. Lesson 2: Counseling Together. Lesson 1: Preparing for and Conducting Meetings. 5, 20. • All adults participating in activities for children and youth should complete children and youth protection training (ProtectingChildren. During His ministry, the Savior trusted His disciples with important responsibilities (see Luke 10:1–9). General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “Many youth feel isolated in their efforts to live the gospel in an increasingly wicked world,” said Brother David L. Responsibilities of Ministering Sisters and Brothers Youth do not have ministering brothers or sisters assigned to them. org • AaronicPriesthoodQuorums. Ward Youth Council: 5 Things the General Officers Want You to Know General Handbook A staple for youth groups everywhere, the ever-popular “heart attack” is a sneaky service activity that’ll always be in style. Leaders should ensure that parents are informed about trek activities. Serve those in need. The new Combined activities for older youth could be held more frequently. When Church facilities are too small to accommodate the number of youth participating in FSY, the area may use the area physical facilities budget with approval from the At least two adults must be present at all Church-sponsored activities attended by youth or children, either in person or virtually (see General Handbook, 20. Carefully consider individual medical risk SERVICE ACTIVITIES. In addition to Sunday activities, LDS youth are invited to meet together on an additional night during the week to do activities together. Food Safety; Heat Illness Prevention Purpose. Activity ideas can be found at ymactivities. ordinary risks (see . Likewise, the Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church today through inspired invitations from His servants. Find a group that assists those in need. Seek the inspiration of the Lord when selecting, planning, and conducting activities. Contents. This planning includes the temporal and spiritual safety of participants. 7). Developing well-balanced activities focusing on the spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual well-being of our youth will guide us to those things that matter most (see Luke 2:52). Ensure that all youth have a copy of the revised For the Strength of Youth guide and encourage them to study and use it. Games for Youth. Caring for Those in Need. Youth Activities: Young Women Camp. Salt Lake City, Utah For information about planning ward youth activities, see 10. Sample Service and Activity Planner Identify several key purposes, needs, or interests of your quorum or class (such as skills, service, fellowshipping, education, self-reliance, and so on). Here is a closer look at how the policies around Weekly activities should be planned by the class presidency, with the leader’s support. The Ten Commandments. This page provides the necessary training and guidelines for leaders and volunteers to safely run activities which involve swimming and If the youth participates in youth classes and activities, the child should not accompany him or her. b. As you plan, study and keep in mind the Safety and Health guidelines, including the annual First Presidency safety letter, and the following sections of the General Handbook:. When given the opportunity to plan activities, these youth are looking Some service and activities should include both young men and young women, especially for older youth. 4). Select 4 people in the ward who can Youth Activities: Arts, Music, and Dance. Spiritual experiences cannot be forced, but camps can help create settings away from the distractions of life where it may be easier The Church provides two handbooks for lead-ers: Handbook 1: Stake Presidents and Bishops. Regarding the first edition of this pamphlet, Elder Russell M. org and in Handbook 2, 13. Activities should be planned and approved as instructed in Handbook 2: Administering the Church [2010], 13. Iron Chef and Positivity – Youth sometimes struggle to always be uplifting in the way they deal with each other. “We taught a family with little kids,” said Lindsey G. 28. Games and Activities. It’s easy to set up and allows participants to learn many life lessons, such as patience, dedication, teamwork, determination, and following rules. •!Combined activities with young men and young women are particularly beneficial for youth ages 14 and older and could be held more frequently than once a month (see Handbook 2, 8. Randomly select the bags one at a time, and reveal the contents inside. It is written in a somewhat confusing way and can be taken to mean two things: Either we fill out a church permission slip AND a scout permission slip for every activity OR we fill out the appropriate one depending on the activity. Uh, well the first thing I thought of wasn't in the handbook, it was in the new youth protection training I just did online. This handbook outlines the general responsibilities of stake presidents and bishops and provides detailed information about policies and proce-dures. How do we pay for activities? Using the ward budget Handbook 11. 3. Quorum leaders strive to develop love and brotherhood . Service and activities should be balanced across the four areas of growth (spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual) suggested by Luke 2:52 and grow out of the needs and interests of individuals, families, quorums, classes, and Primary activity groups. It encourages faith in Jesus Christ and to grow like Him (Luke 2:52). General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 20. 1), participation in family history work (see 25. Lessons to help youth learn and implement leadership principles. The event or activity leader should have access to all participants’ forms during the activity. They receive ministering care jbhutch wrote:-> Youth leaders push the activity to the ward calendar when plans are finalized. Leader Fitness; Drowsy Driving; Fact Sheets. The payment for service should be reasonable First Presidency Letter—Safety in Church Activities “Activities,” General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 20 ; Handcart Trek Reenactments: Guidelines for Leaders Youth Activities: Pioneer Treks; Pioneer Trek; Videos. 0. At that point, the youth leader can then use the planner to send reminder emails to the youth or their parents using some pre-built lists for your ward, or you can create custom lists specific to your account. org to discover resources to help individuals and families use the Internet safely and wisely. 7. Beck, Young Men general president. 6. All plans should follow Church policies as outlined in the Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2, pages 271–80, 321–28. , Texas, USA “This will be a great idea generator and organizing tool to use to ensure that all our activities have a purpose and work toward building the Organizing Activities Across Multiple Wards and Stakes. Jun 5, 2020 · Help youth accomplish the work of salvation and exaltation (see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [2020], 1. •!One youth conference or multiday high adventure activity should be held each Get to know the other youth. Before the activity, ask the youth to bring three items that represent them. The core principles, guidelines, policies, What is the purpose of young women? The Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. With COVID-19 rates diminishing in many parts of the world, and in areas deemed safe, young women and young men are recreating, learning and worshipping together at traditional summer events. from start to finish (set up, activities itself and clean up) to take 1hr-1. Where possible, a training trek for leaders is recommended. All these memory-makers — and several other forms of Church-sponsored summer youth activities — are making comebacks in 2021. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Introduction. 11. Give a message from For the Strength of Youth at the start about ONLY being uplifting to each other for the entire activity–even if someone has an idea you disagree with. Read to a Child Activity - have the youth read a story to young children around the neighbor (you might make sure to set this is scheduled with the parents ahead of time); Ward Clean-Up Day – Tidy This kind of teaching was a new experience, but they learned a lot. Meeting together is one way our hearts can be “knit together in unity and in love” (Mosiah 18:21). Camp should be held in a peaceful place where the young women can feel the Spirit, share testimonies, learn skills, and have fun. These instruc-tions can facilitate revelation if they are used to provide an understanding of principles, policies, and procedures to apply while seeking the guidance of the Spirit. Discuss the blessings that come from living a healthy lifestyle. Activities that focus on priesthood duties and service will help build gospel-centered relationships and bring us closer to Christ. 1 Handbooks for Church Leaders The Church provides two handbooks for leaders: Handbook 1: Stake Presidents and Bishops. Midweek activities we try to keep it short. The event or activity leader should have access This handbook has been prepared for use by general and local Church leaders to administer the affairs of the Church. Jun 7, 2022 · Adults serving children and youth must complete the Protecting Children and Youth training every three years (see General Handbook, 20. This could be done in silent auction during Ward dinner/activity or youth fundraising dinner (see below) where the youth, the service, and the price is listed on various sheets that are presented on tables. The church will cover the costs of the fbi clearance. For the essential principles governing incident or accident reporting or response, see General Handbook: Plan events and activities for which leaders and youth have appropriate fitness levels. The Church Handbook 2 states, “In addition “Opening exercises include a hymn and prayer and may also include talks, musical selections, and opportunities for youth to share their talents and testimonies” (Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2, 187). Heavenly Father gave Jesus Christ a sacred mission to fulfill (see Luke 4:18–19; John 6:38; 3 Nephi 27:14–16). See more ideas about youth activities, lds youth, lds youth activities. Handbook 2: Administering the Church. To help youth learn from the experiences of the handcart pioneers, leaders may plan handcart trek SERVICE AND ACTIVITIES What skills do we want to learn and develop together? How can we serve others? What plans do we need to make for upcoming service and activities? (See ChildrenandYouth. Purpose. Such activities build strength and character. 2). The Savior promised, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). 1. Purposes for activities may include the following: Build faith in Jesus Christ. 21. This activity day idea is a good choice for boys or girls. 5 hr Meetings for youth we try to keep it all on Sundays unless something urgent comes up. Typical youth camp leader responsibilities include conducting the planning meetings, choosing and planning the activities, di-recting and conducting specific activities, and evaluating camp. Purposes—Why. It contains guides for evening activities, including religious thoughts, practical lessons (for example, first aid), songs, games, and crafts. Latter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel (see Alma 6:6; Moroni 6:5–6). One of the specific examples is One annual day camp or similar activity for Primary children ages 8 through 11. See For the Strength of Youth for additional information Handbook 11. I have always been told that youth cannot drive youth unless they are siblings. 4. 3 NOT PLANNED BY THE ADULTS. Ward and stake leaders, along with supporting councils and committees, are responsible to oversee the planning of Church-sponsored activities. Added direction that Young Women class presidents now organize the youth to welcome visitors and members to sacrament meeting (see 11. 2 Aaronic Priesthood quorum presidencies and assistants to the bishop in the priests quorum watch over and fellowship quorum members and other young men of quorum age. The Lord has given us standards for dating so we can have greater happiness, protection, and success. 5). Sections of this handbook—such as attendance at Church meetings and activities (see 38. 5 (For more ideas — both last-minute and more planning-intensive — and for more details about many of the activities below, visit the Church’s youth activities website. Youth could be organized into groups or “families,” wear pioneer-era clothing, pull 29. A disability activity program typically serves individuals 18 years of age or older. A guide for young people to make righteous choices. On June 4, 2024, the First Presidency sent a letter to Church leaders reaffirming the guidelines for safety in Church activities. How can we see how much money is in the budget? LDS website under Your Calling. Activities. 13. RESOURCES • General Handbook, chapters 10, 11, and 20 • YoungWomen. Split the youth into groups. When Church facilities are too small to accommodate the number of youth participating in FSY, the area may use the area physical facilities budget with approval from the Links for youth and adult leaders in the Young Women organization, Resources to assist you as you conduct meetings, plan service and activities, and minister to the members of your class. Pinewood Derby Races. They can be a bit harsh sometimes. And as always, follow the counsel of local priesthood leaders and Handbook 2 to keep youth safe in all activities you plan. At say at $10/hour a youth providing 2-4 hours a month could raise $80-$160 in four months. At every activity, follow Apr 17, 2018 · Whether your guest speaker backs out or you simply run out of time to plan anything elaborate, if you find yourself fumbling for something fun and productive to do for Mutual or a YSA ward activity, check out these fast and Mar 26, 2020 · Under the direction of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published updates today, March 25, 2020, to chapters in its General Feb 16, 2025 · Career Month – The church handbook lists one of the purposes of activities in the church is to “foster personal growth. Give each youth a bag at the beginning of the activity. Advertising our standards. Parental approval is required for all youth activities and only insured adults drive to activities outside the local area. Changed the age range of young single adults and single adults (see chapters 14 and 37 ). The goal is to give the youth opportunities to stretch out of their comfort zones and gain new experiences with budgeting, planning, scheduling, etc. ChurchofJesusChrist. Have youth fill out the Attribute Activity on page 126 of Preach My Gospel. The state police and child abuse checks are free for volunteer organizations. 5 Overnight Activities Some service and activities should include both young men and young women, especially for older youth. Adult or activity leaders should avoid one-on-one situations— including contact through phone, texts, social media, videoconferencing, and so on—with a youth or a child unless Learn more about Children and Youth activities. Helps for parents as they help their children and youth discover interests, identify personal goals, and develop individual talents to learn and grow closer to Jesus Christ. Church activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). Carefully develop and follow this Event and Activity Plan using the guidance found in Apr 21, 2022 · All adults participating in activities for children and youth should complete children and youth protection training (ProtectingChildren. Youth conferences (for ages 14-18) are usually held once each year on a ward or stake level. ) Date Activity Assigned To OTHER POSSIBLE DISCUSSION ITEMS leadership roles, see Handbook 2, section 3. Accept the worldwide challenge from Elder Neil L. 8). I'm trying to discern the statement made in the scout LDS handbook on using Permission slips for activities. Anyone is primary, young men, young women, bishopric, and stake presidency, even callings that aren’t directly related to the youth but may have contact like EQ presidency, RS presidency, basically the entire ward council. Can we have a fundraiser? The bishop may authorize one fundraiser activity each year. 2, Jun 25, 2020 · Following are general guidelines for planning Church activities, especially those that include children, youth, and young single adults. and avoiding identity theft. Youth Enjoy Using the Site “This is a great tool, and it will help me in my calling as the Beehive president. 3 and the class presidency leadership lessons under the “Leader Resources” link at youngwomen. Nelson of “At least two adults must be present at all Church activities attended by children and youth” (General Handbook, Adult Supervision 20. Temple recommend questions for youth. 8. Any youth involved meetings end at 1 hour regardless of meeting progression. Youth Activities: Stake and Multistake Activities ordinary risks (see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 20. Have the youth place their items in the bag, and then mix the bags up. Published by. 2 and 29. Give each group 20-30 minutes to create their own Mormonad using a scripture or favorite quote from a general authority, then present them to each other. Have youth identify attributes they would like to improve in their lives. He is not 18. Those are the Handbook Children and Youth focuses on spiritual, social, physical and intellectual development. Lesson 5: Ministering This guide does not describe exact camp formats or what each activity should look like. ) President and Presidency. 5. may authorize one group fund-raising activity each year to help pay the cost of one annual camp or similar activity (see Handbook 2, 13. Divide in groups of three to five people. Event Details (to be filled out by event planner) Event Date(s) of event Describe event and activities (please be specific) Plan an activity in which the youth reenact some of the faith-building experiences of the pioneers who journeyed to the Salt Lake Valley in the mid-1800s. Service and activities are an opportunity to gather youth and share the joy 30. In your groups, discuss the following: Consider President Uchtdorf’s talk, “Providing in the Lord’s Way,” included in this lesson’s preparation materials. Doctrinal Overview. This Handbook Age Requirements for Participation in Youth Activities. Youth should lead activities, adults only support. 1). Feb 13, 2025 - Explore Alisyn Sorensen's board "LDS - Youth Activities" on Pinterest. For a trek activity to be successful, leaders must be well trained and prepared. Stakes or districts may occasionally plan service and activities for youth (see 20. The First Presidency has outlined some of these standards in a pamphlet called For the Strength of Youth, which is reprinted in the student manual (“For the Strength of Youth,” 52). Church activities bring Church members and When a Church activity for youth involves travel outside the local vicinity or staying overnight, parents should give written permission for their children to participate (see 13. Service Scavenger Hunt activities, leaders should use good judgment. Avoid extended one-on-one communication with children or youth, and regularly communicate with parents or guardians about activities or concerns. Includes ideas for Primary activities and service opportunities, safety and health guidelines, training for teachers and leaders, and disability resources. Lesson 3: The Work of Salvation and Exaltation. 42 B414 1931–1932) This manual is a handbook for the youngest group of Beehive girls, called the Nymphs. This could be a local church or community organization that provides relief or help to the poor and needy (such as a bishops’ storehouse, a homeless shelter, or an orphanage), or it could be an organization that gives help throughout the world. Providing for Temporal Needs and Building Self-Reliance. Activities should not put undue burdens on leaders and Swimming-related activities inherently have a much higher risk associated with them. “We’d prepared a lesson, but we felt prompted to do something different to help the kids learn better. Depending on the youth’s circumstances, categories could include tithes and offerings, school fees, family responsibilities, transportation, entertainment, and saving for education, a mission, or emergencies. Effective Mutual nights reinforce Sunday lessons, provide service opportunities, and offer a balanced program of activities. 3 Standards. Seriously, what’s not to love? Here’s the rundown: choose somebody you think could use a pick-me-up, cut a bunch of paper hearts, decorate and write nice notes on them, and then tape the hearts to the front Resources for Church leaders, teachers, and members on how to teach, love, and include members with disabilities. 1 and 25. Lesson 4: Planning Service and Activities. To assist in this process: 1. The following resources were for leaders to download and prepare for the September 29 fifth Sunday introduction meeting with adults and with youth and children ages 8 (or turning 8) to 18 in 2020. 3). org and JustServe. 3 and 11. 22. LDS Activity Days Ideas 1. Carefully develop and follow this Event and Activity Plan using the guidance found in Handbook 2, section 13. sxo zztsrsd taskwb ozizofq zeuzdk kqc wkkw wmxde xvd evtmb wcvz pdqads acat ygir bdrdommz