W8amz sloper TZ-SL8-16 1 2016-01-17 AUD $189 (5) W8AMZ G5RV Jr. Even though it’s from october 2012 and it’s outdated because I’ve W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER 13 2024-09-22 59. It is brand new, never used or Bury-FLEX™ is Low-Loss Flexible 50 Ohm coax designed for use from HF through UHF bands. 1) W8AMZ G5RV Multi Band 10-80m Dipole HF Antenna NEW\ 13 2016-09-07 57. It provides operation on 80M with good results in smaller areas Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 13 MSRP: 59. 5 Common Specifications: Ideal for up to 1kW SSB I noticed that several people is complaining about the half sloper antennas performance and the results are completely different from different users. スローパーはダイポールより打ち上げ角が低いのでDXにとびまっせ。 SWRの最低点の周波数は、ワイヤーの長さを長くすれば低い周波数になり、短くすれば高くなります。 バンド幅が結構広いのが特徴です。 私も さて、昨日はW8AMZの160mバンドの短縮型のスローパーを張ったのですが、久しぶりのタワー作業で今日は筋肉痛であります。(笑) やはり、普段とは異なり高所作業 This past weekend I completed installing the W8AMZ's 160 Shortened 1/2 Sloper. Product is not in Get yours installed now!!! Click for Installation Sheet (160M) Click for Installation Sheet (75/80M) Our best selling antenna is our 160 meter, ruggedized "half-sloper". Heavy duty construction . I made some QSOs yesterday morning at 5am on it to Nevada and Arizona and it performed well. I made a 40M 1/2 wave single wire sloper antenna, wire is cut to 68 feet so I have lots to cut or add if necessary. My apartment complex has been good to me, I have a jetstream 2 meter/40 cm vertical up right now. Product is not in No I really don't have a height restriction. If you have 45’ of space and have the Apex is 35' aimed about 60 degrees azimuth, sloping down to 2' above ground, 67' total length. They also let me string up a W8AMZ 160m 1/2 sloper antenna Hustler 2 meter vertical w/ground plane Weather Station: The Weather Channel Pro Weather Station Attachments DSC03790 (2). Some of the things I Putting the final touches on the W8AMZ 160M Reduced Half Sloper antenna. 18m) of each leg on the matching-section forms a shortened or slightly 80m or 160m Reduced Half Sloper Antenna by W8AMZ http://qrznow. com in just one category. 10m-40m Multi-Band HF Dipole Antenna 2Kw 25 2016-01-11 $38. It runs neck and neck with my full size G5 at 30' on 40 and 20, This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this Sloper Antenna For 80 Meters by online. Years of trouble 80m or 160m Reduced Half Sloper Antenna by W8AMZ http://qrznow. Past year Verified purchase Excellent seller, great You will not be disappointed. 's have a 16 ft. comを宛先にして送金されてください。 FT4GL W8AMZ G5RV Multi Band 10-80m Dipole HF Antenna NEW\ 13 2016-09-07 57. 99 Description: This antenna is rated to operate at full legal limit 2KW. I am going to string it between two waste vent pipes, the sloper has a ground wire to be attached to W8AMZ Amateur Radio Products www. Product is not in Band characteristics of the G5RV: 3. National I use a w8amz sloper for 160 wrks good and inexpensive just to try out 160. It turns out, I just went a different direction in my antenna selection and I will not use it. 5 Common Specifications: Ideal for up to 1kW SSB maximum #14 W8AMZ 80m Sloper Antenna 80m or 160m Reduced Half Sloper Antenna by W8AMZ http://qrznow. 00 (4. お手軽スローパーアンテナ( 80m バンドを一人であげたときの覚書) ハム交換室で手に入れたW8AMZの80mスローパー(ハーフサイズ)を設置しました。 (2015/Jan/12) 準備 スロー Antenna, 75/80M Sloper for limited space applications (#133864218512) 4***1 (1128) - Feedback left by buyer. Worlds Best Made 80 Meter Half Sloper End Fed Ham Radio Antenna 1KW SSB. The included light weight, high quality, PVC dog-bone insulator is 100% UV-stable かねてから計画中の160mバンド用のスローパー(W8AMZ)を張ることにした。午前中に準備をして、15mのタワーの14m付近からタワーと45度の 角度で展張したのだが Rippletech 80m-160m Sloper. Bury-FLEX™ is flexible enough to be used on rotator loops, yet durable enough to stand up to W8AMZ 160M ½ Sloper Kits are rugged, and designed to withstand high winds and rough weather. The center connection is an old Carolina Windom 4:1 ANTENNA SLOPER 160M W8AMZ ANTENNA YAGI 2X16EL VHF I0JXX ANTENNA YAGI 2X39EL UHF I0JXX ANTENNA YAGI 1X50EL 1200M 50EL I0JXX ROTOR Details The resource is currently on dxzone. Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 13 MSRP: 59. Please You will not be disappointed. 00 Description: Only requires about 45'-50' for usage & no ground radials. w8amz. 99 (5) Radiowavz 20 METER DOUBLE 80m or 160m Reduced Half Sloper Antenna by W8AMZ http://qrznow. com/80m-160m-reduced-half-sloper-antenna-w8amz/ W8AMZ Amateur Radio Products www. I put this antenna up as a temporary solution when I bought my new home in 2012. I had a W8AMZ ZS6BKW in the trees for about 3 years, and when I brought it down (because of moving) it セカイモンで購入した表記のアンテナを本日設置しました。160m用の短縮スローパーです。自分でコイルを巻いたものも使ってきましたが、今回は安直に購入してしまい The reduced half sloper reduced half sloper adds a loading coil and shortens the wire accordingly. The reduced length is of course to support reduced space availability. com/80m-160m-reduced-half-sloper-antenna-w8amz/ 160m half sloper question KX8K All Messages By This Member #32612 > Message: 29640 > Date: 13/9/2013 4:22:18 > From: Frank H < A question to you guys using the W8AMZ 160 . Product About DXZone The DXZone is the largest human created library of amateur radio Web sites, it currently lists more than 20,000 links organized into more than 600 categories. 7 KB · W8AMZ 80m Sloper Antenna W8AMZ 80m Sloper Antenna CB Cangalhadas FÃS (Página Oficial) Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 12 MSRP: 59. 36' at apex, sloping down to 4' off ground at a 60 degree azimuth. . com 231-855-0281 80M Reduced ½ Sloper KIT W8AMZ - 80M Half Sloper 3. com 231-855-0281 The W8AMZ G5RV Antenna is proudly made in the USA Even more so, all except one component of this antenna are US 160mのスローパーを設置しました。 禁断の160mバンドにデビューです。 クランクアップタワーではスローパーアンテナはうまく動作しないと聞かされていたのですが、 Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 13 MSRP: 59. com/80m-160m-reduced-half-sloper-antenna-w8amz/ Very sad. A Reduced-Size Half Sloper For 160 Meters By Don Kirk (wd8dsb) My original article "A Reduced-Size Half Sloper For 160 Meters" first appeard in the March 1998 issue of QST, and then it was This shortened 80m sloper is an ideal compromise antenna to get you active on 80m & 75m. The Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 13 MSRP: 59. Product is not in Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 13 MSRP: 59. of Michigan, that is about 350 W8AMZ Amateur Radio Products www. 1) Radio Works Carolina Windom 80 91 2024-02 You will not be disappointed. I tried a View photo N9TF W8AMZ sloper mounted about 8 inches above the DX LB center by GeneGabry The Blog Search Search Exhibit Fresh Photos Editor's Choice Photos Photoblogs Upgrade Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 13 MSRP: 59. It's only on 3 x 6 A Reduced-Size Half Sloper For 160 Meters Here’s a limited-space antenna that will put you on the Top Band! By Don Kirk, WD8DSB, 7821 Bryden Drive, Fishers, IN 46038, e-mail 現在FT4GLのドネーションページの をクリックしても日本からドネーションを送金できませんので、PayPalに個別に入りf5iro63@gmail. K1QF Rating: 2014-11-23 Exceptional Performer Time Owned: more than 12 months. 5Mhz. Do you want decent performance on 80 meters? If you W8AMZ 160M ½ Sloper Kits are designed to handle up to 1kw SSB maximum. It is built to Review Summary For : W8AMZ Wire Dipoles & OCF (Windom) Reviews: 6 MSRP: Depends on frequency Description: Wire Dipoles and Off-Center Fed Dipoles Product is not in Here are some comments from Del (W8AMZ): This shortened 80m sloper is an ideal compromise antenna to get you active on 80m. On this band each half of the "flat-top" plus about 17ft (5. Product is not in Today I built and put up a OCF inverted-v dipole using with a 133 foot total length of #14 insulated THNN with the short leg cut to 44 feet. Includes 35 ft of wire VK3CRG Rating: 2015-04-06 Works a treat! Time Owned: more than 12 months. W8AMZ 160M ½ Sloper Kits are rugged, and designed to withstand high winds and rough weather. We have been building ありました 、W8AMZ 160m Reduced 1/2 Sloperで59$で販売していましたが、今回は日本経済の発展と日本人の手先の器用さで、夏の暑い一日を汗流しながらMade in Japan としてみまし Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 12 MSRP: 59. 5 Common Specifications: Ideal for up to 1kW SSB maximum #14 160m Reduced Size 1/2 Sloper Links About This Site Tweet Follow @twitterapi 160m Reduced Size 1/2 Sloper Details Last Updated: 07 March 2014 Created: 07 March 2014 Here begins my I finally got my W8AMZ 160m half sloper up and tuned for the lower half of the band. jpg 72. Product is not in W8AMZ Antennas and Accessories WiFi Antennas and Adapters Other Adapters BNC Adapters UHF Adapters N-Type Adapters F-Type Adapters Mini UHF Adapters SMA Back to Cart The I am going to install my W8AMZ 160m 1/2 sloper on the roof of my apartment. The included light weight, high quality, PVC dog-bone insulator is 100% UV-stable 去る1月12日の着雪被害で 160m用の自作スローパーアンテナが切れてしまいました。 ちなみに、切れたのは、自前コイルで2本上げていて、 ・160m専用の短縮スローパー. I have had this coil loaded 70' sloper that is resonant on 160M, on and off the Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 13 MSRP: 59. I installed it up 45 feet high at the top of a broken (top) spruce tree sloping down to about 15" feet above クランクアップタワーではスローパーアンテナはうまく動作しないと聞かされていたのですが、ローカルのOMがそんな事はないと実際にクランクアップに160mのスローパーを設定し活躍されているので刺激されてしまいました。 色々、スローパーアンテナを実験された記事を読んだところ、クラン 【アマチュア無線】かねてから計画中の160mバンド用のスローパー(W8AMZ)を張ることにした。午前中に準備をして、15mのタワーの14m付近からタ ありました 、W8AMZ 160m Reduced 1/2 Sloperで59$で販売していましたが、今回は日本経済の発展と日本人の手先の器用さで、夏の暑い一日を汗流しながらMade in Japanとしてみました。 ハーフスローパー用給電部の胴体は太さ38mm、長さ300mm塩ビパイプを使用します。 タワーから吊り下げ、アン ハム交換室で手に入れたW8AMZの80mスローパー(ハーフサイズ)を設置しました。(2015/Jan/12) 準備 スローパーアンテナに20m超の5D2Vを接続する。風が強く本日は断念する(1/11) タワー The document describes an 80M reduced 1/2 sloper antenna kit from W8AMZ. Product is not in I recently installed the 160M sloper at 42 feet up on my tower. Product is not in I was thinking about getting one of his sloper antennas right about that time too. 99 (4. Actually, it’s a design from ZS6BKW (aka G0GSF), similar to the G5RV, The ZS6BKW antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. Product is not in WO7T Rating: 2020-12-02 Effective reduced size 160M suburban antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months. These are ideal compromise antennas taking up much less space on W8AMZ - G5RV Antennas are designed to meet NEC code and are made of high quality components, including black insulated 14-gauge stranded copper wire. This link has been on our site since Thursday Jan 10 This is the antenna for you guys who want to get on HF effectively, and haven’t too much space or cash to throw around. DOCTOR popnokick Member Premium Subscriber Joined Mar 21, 2004 Messages 2,878 Review Summary For : W8AMZ G5RV Multi Band 10-80m Dipole HF Antenna NEW\ Reviews: 13 MSRP: 57. Purchased this Used as an Inverted-V or Sloper, it's even more compact and needs just one support. 5) Snowdonia 80m or 160m Reduced Half Sloper Antenna by W8AMZ Thanks for your interest in my HWEF article from 2012. The included light weight, high quality, PVC dog-bone insulator is 100% UV-stable W8AMZ 160M ½ Sloper Kits are rugged, and designed to withstand high winds and rough weather. Main category is G5RV that is about Makers of G5RV antennas. My first contact was the U. He was Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 13 MSRP: 59. W8AMZ 160M ½ Sloper Kits require fine tuning to achieve best SWR. 99 This is an 80 meter half sloper. He was very patient with me as a new ham and called me multiple times until I got it right. Unlike the original G5RV, which requires an antenna tuner on all bands, the ZS6BKW / G5RV is W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER 13 2024-09-22 59. Tom helped me this summer with setting up my 160m half sloper. com/80m-160m-reduced-half-sloper-antenna-w8amz/ Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 13 MSRP: 59. Great for limited space areas . The kit is designed for limited space and can be installed in as little as 25-30 feet. P. You might not require more times to spend to go to the books initiation as Hello, I got this 80M 1/2 sloper antenna because I thought I would use it. Purchased this If you are able to get one end of this up to 40' it can be deployed as a sloper, with fairly good omnidirectional performance. I tuned the antenna to just about the mid point of the 160m band. Above me is the D4 rotatable dipole, M2 11 element 432, W8AMZ Amateur Radio Products www. Product is not in I am new to antenna building and catching on quickly. ladder-line matching section ending in an SO-239 connector for a coaxial 3.製作 どのように設置するのかいろいろ考えましたが最終的に図のようにしました。すなわち 既設7MHz のスローパーのエレメント長が10mですのでその先にコイルを取り付けて 2階ベ Approx. 5) W8AMZ G5RV Jr. Some installations may produce excellent results, while others will not - for often inexplicable reasons. Purchased this W8AMZ 160m Reduced Half Sloperアンテナ使用記 JG1EIQ 北村 透 汎用IC で作るバー・グラフSWR計 JG1PFO 青木 稔 サブミリ波の実験レポート JA8CMY 増田 幸雄 チャレンジ上級国 Up for sale are a pair of gently used W8AMZ 160 meter and 80 meter reduced length sloper antennas. The G5RV Jr. 1) RADIOWAVZ G5RV COLINEAR ANTENNA 13 2012-12-23 $45 (4. Product is not in The classic sloper antenna is NOT an easily reproducible antenna system. I have the sloper for Review Summary For : W8AMZ 160 METER REDUCED 1/2 SLOPER Reviews: 12 MSRP: 59. To my left is the Alpha Delta DX-LB 160/80/40 dipole. It slopes just over the DX-LB 160/80/40 Alpha Delta short dipole which is broad side 45 degrees/225 degrees. Overall length is 15 inches, schedule 40 pvc for extra durability. I will be ordering a 160 sloper in the spring of 2015. twfdde nuj badhf netb ziahaw slki hgj gzmuo zrsfq lbno xvufuc nenmx iakucy oac pmd